In the beginning there was Darkness. It was vast, endless, and infinite, and bored.
The Darkness examined itself and shifted. It experienced a difference. there was something other than boredom, and interest and pleasure came. So, it shifted again. The difference became more noticeable. The Darkness's boredom had diminished. It shifted again and again, and eventually changes were happening without any interference from the Darkness, so he stopped, and watched, fascinated.
In the beginning there was Light. It was vast, endless, and infinite, and lonely.
The Light, wanting companionship, created a place for its friend to exist, gave it form and dimension. It refined the place made it hospitable for a companion to live. It created laws and rules for the subjects, that wouldn't tax her companion, but would still be of interest to the Light. Once all was to the Lights satisfaction, the companion was created.
A creature of Light, a Dragon of silver whose wingspan covered the firmament, his wings touched one side, and the other. The Light invested most of itself to its companion, so it might converse on a similar level, the Light then named her companion Sh'nar.
The Light also then created lesser Dragons, still magnificent in size and demeanour, these were messengers for Sh'nar. Gold, Bronze, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Red, Green, Blue. Their tasks collecting tales for Sh'nar, so he might have topics to interest the Light.
Finally, she created the people the base creatures for whom Lessers would watch to gather their tales. They would see the Lessers as Demi-gods, and Sh'nar as their own God. The Light was beyond their comprehension and so beneath the Light it would not see them, so for the Light, each new story would be just that.
She created the people in the image of their Demi-gods, but tiny in comparison.
The Light listened, no longer lonely.
The Elves, that's what they called themselves, were building something. It was huge, built into their highest mountain. It was a machine that would show them everything. They were excited, and the machine was almost finished. The Darkness was as curios as they were to find out what it did if anything at all.
There was one, different from the others, he was a fervent, a zealot, and was directing the others, instructing them in what to do. The Darkness wondered briefly, where it came from, for while it appeared of the Darkness, it was not. It was a curiosity, but this machine; the Darkness wanted to know what that did more.
The machine was ready to switch on, all preparations had been made, and the people had been called to attend. The zealot was stood in finely crafted robes surrounded by all the priests and leaders ready to set it off. The zealot made a speech followed by the Hierophant and the leaders. The ceremony went on as more of the people arrived.
There was celebration in the air, and a party atmosphere. The people were excited awaiting a revelation, an epiphany, this was many generations in the making. Even the Darkness eager to see what happened next.
A lever was pushed, a crank turned. The machine whirred into life. It started to hum, which turned into a whine that quickly became an unbearable screech. Just for a moment everything stopped, then everything, in a sickening agonizing moment, was revealed.